ALERT: We have been notified of recent fraud activity via Skimming and Shimmer have been occurring! This can happen anywhere you insert your card into a card reader device. Learn more...


What’s a Credit Union?

A Credit Union is a cooperative, not-for-profit financial institution organized to promote thrift and provide credit to members. It is member-owned and controlled through a board of directors elected by the membership. The board serves on a volunteer basis and may hire a management team to run the Credit Union. The board also establishes and revises policy, sets dividend and loan rates, and directs certain operations. The result: members are provided with a safe, convenient place to save and borrow at reasonable rates at an institution which exists to benefit them, not to make a profit.

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Who owns a Credit Union?

Most financial institutions are owned by stockholders, who own a part of the institution and intend on making money from their investment. A Credit Union doesn't operate in that manner. Rather, each Credit Union member owns one "share" of the organization. The user of Credit Union services is also an owner, and is even entitled to vote on important issues, such as the election of member representatives to serve on the board of directors.

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What is the purpose of a Credit Union?

The primary purpose in furthering their goal of service is to encourage members to save money. Another purpose is to offer loans to members. In fact, Credit Unions have traditionally made loans to people of ordinary means. Credit Unions can charge lower rates for loans (as well as pay higher dividends on savings) because they are nonprofit cooperatives. Rather than paying profits to stockholders, Credit Unions return earnings to members in the form of dividends or improved services.

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How can I join Vision Financial FCU?

You can join Vision Financial FCU if you fall into one of the five categories that are explained on our membership eligiiblility page.

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Are savings deposits insured?

Yes. All savings accounts are insured up to $250,000 by the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA), an agency of the federal government.

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What is Vision Financial FCU's routing number?

Our routing number is 253175517.

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Why do I have to have a share account if I only want checking?

Membership in the Credit Union is obtained by opening a Share account with a minimum deposit of $25. Once you are a member, you are eligible to apply for any of our other services.

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What is the minimum amount required to open a checking account at the Credit Union?

The minimum deposit amount to open a checking account is $25.00.

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How do I set up Direct Deposit of my payroll check?

After your membership application has been approved, you will receive our routing number, as well as your account number. If your employer participates in a direct deposit program, simply provide this information to the human resources or payroll department at your company.

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Are wire transfers possible to and from my account?

Yes. Funds can be transferred to and from accounts by wire transfer or via ACH (Automated Clearing House) debits or credits. Contact us for details.

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What is your wire transfer cut off time?

Wire Transfer Cut Off Time:

4:00 PM for Domestic Wires

Please contact the credit union for details.

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What is the difference between my balance and my available balance?

All of our members maintain a share in the credit union of $25. This stays in your savings throughout the life of your account. The balance represents the amount in your account including shares, check holds, and loan pledges. The available balance is the actual amount that you may withdraw from your account.

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What is VisionNet24?

VisionNet24 is our internet "home banking" service. VisionNet24 allows members of the credit union to access their account 24 hours a day, seven days a week - for FREE!

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How do I sign up for VisionNet24?

Sign up for VisionNet24 by clicking the link labeled "VisionNet24 - click to enroll". Enter your name, account number, phone number, and email address. We will send you your log on information within 24 hours of enrolling. Once you receive the login information, you can access your account online. Please contact the credit union for additional assistance with VisioNet24.

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If I withdraw money from my account through VisionNet24, when will my check be processed?

Withdrawal requests received through VisionNet24 will be processed and mailed the next business day.

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How do I access Bill Pay?

You can sign up for FREE Bill Pay by logging on to VisionNet24 and clicking on Bill Pay.

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How much will Bill Pay cost me?

It's a FREE service, UNLIMITED transactions.

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What is Access 24?

Access 24 is an automated phone service that allows members to access their account 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

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What is my pin number for Access 24?

Your pin number is the last four digits of your social security number. It is advisable to change your pin on a periodic basis.

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What if my Debit Card is lost or stolen?

If your Debit Card has been lost or stolen, it must be reported to Vision Financial FCU immediately by calling (919) 477-0696 or 1-800-235-8455. After hours, please call 1-888-263-3370. To protect your account from unauthorized use, memorize your PIN. Do not keep the PIN with your card.

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What does it mean when I use my Debit Card and the clerk asks debit or credit?

There are two types of Debit Card transactions: debit (PIN) and credit (signature). When paying for a purchase, the clerk will ask "debit or credit?" When you reply "debit" to the clerk, it becomes a PIN transaction. You are required to enter your Personal Identification Number (PIN) after the card has been swiped through a point of sale terminal. With PIN transactions, funds are withdrawn from your Checking Account immediately at the time of the transaction. When you reply "credit" to the clerk, it becomes a signature transaction. Signature transactions do not require your PIN but you do sign a slip to accept the transaction. With signature transactions, funds are held in your Checking Account at the time of purchase until the transactions post to your account in one to three days.

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Does my Debit Card have spending limits?

The Debit Card has a spending limit of $500.00 per day. The spending limit is equal to the available balance in your Checking Account minus outstanding purchases that have not posted, with a daily total of $500.00.

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Is there a fee to use my Debit Card for purchases?

There is no fee to use the Debit Card to make a purchase when you select “credit” at the point of sale.

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How do I keep track of my Debit Card purchases?

You receive a receipt from the merchant every time you use your card for a purchase. Record the amount of the purchase in your check register. Even if you lose your receipt, all purchases are detailed on your monthly Checking Account statement or you can view your transaction history online with VisionNet24.

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Do deposits post the same day they are made?

Yes, all deposits made during normal business hours are effective immediately, unless the teller informs you there will be a hold placed on the check. Immediate credit does not apply to ATM deposits.

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What happens when I bounce a check?

Vision Financial FCU offers an Overdraft Protection loan, that may protect your account in the event that you are accidentally overdrawn. However, anytime you have non-sufficient funds in your checking account Vision Financial FCU charges a $32 service fee.

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Will I receive fees from the company to whom I bounced the check?

It depends upon the company. Most companies do charge a fee for non-sufficient funds, but not all of them.

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Vision Financial Federal Credit Union
214 Pacific Avenue
PO Box 15818
Durham, North Carolina 27704
Phone: (919) 477-0696
        or (800) 235-8455
Fax: (919) 471-8211
Routing Number: 253175517

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