ALERT: We have been notified of recent fraud activity via Skimming and Shimmer have been occurring! This can happen anywhere you insert your card into a card reader device. Learn more...


Vision Financial Federal Credit Union is a not-for-profit, cooperative financial institution that has been serving its members since 1960 with a wide range of services to meet all their financial needs.

Membership is open to anyone who lives, works, or worships in portions of Durham County and Cumberland County, North Carolina as well as employees of a number of other employee groups. Additionally, immediate family members of an already established member as well as anyone who lives in the same household as an already established member are eligible to join the credit union. You can also qualify for membership by joining The North Carolina Consumers Council (NCCC) for a $20 tax-deductible NCCC membership fee.

As a member, you actually are an owner of the credit union. You have a vote in the elections held annually to fill positions on the voluntary Board of Directors and Supervisory Committee.

Once you join the credit union, you are always a member, even if you leave your job, retire, or move out of the area. As long as you keep your account open and remain in good standing, the full range of benefits and services are available to you.

How to Join

It's easy to join Vision Financial FCU!

  • In Person: Visit one of our branches during regular business hours and a Member Service Representative will provide you with the proper forms and disclosures to open your account on the spot.
    1. Please bring a valid, non-expired driver’s license or government issued identification
    2. Please bring your social security card
    3. Please provide proof of address if the address of your residence is different than the one you provide on your membership application. Acceptable items for proof of address include: a utility bill, pay stub, car registration
    4. Proof of eligibility (such as an employment ID or check stub) or, if you’re joining as a family member, we will need a signed referral statement from an eligible member or a means to contact them to verify your eligibility. You’ll also need to deposit at least $25 into your share account.


  • By Mail: Simply call one of our Member Service Representatives for a new account kit. There are different requirements if you open your account by mail. Please contact the credit union for more information.
  • Via Online Application: Complete our Membership Application. Once we receive it, a master copy will be mailed to you. Please review the information for accuracy and repeat the steps shown in the section above. Download a printable version of the membership application.



To help the government fight the funding of terrorism and money laundering activities, Federal law requires all financial institutions to obtain, verify, and record information that identifies each person who opens an account.

What this means for you: When you open an account, we will ask for your name, address, date of birth, and other information that will allow us to identify you. We will also ask to see your drivers license, Social Security Card, and other identifying objects.


The Credit Union Difference

How is a credit union different than a bank? Credit unions are not-for-profit organizations that exist to serve their members. Like banks, credit unions accept deposits, make loans and provide a wide array of other financial services. But as member-owned and cooperative institutions, credit unions provide a safe place to save and borrow at reasonable rates.

Member Owned

Credit unions are owned and controlled by the people, or members, who use their services.

Credit unions operate to promote the well-being of their members.


The cooperative structure of credit unions creates a cycle of mutual assistance towards the common goal of the financial well-being of members.


Profits made by credit unions are returned back to members in the form of reduced fees, higher savings rates and lower loan rates.

In essence, it's THEIR bank but it's YOUR Credit Union!

Our Locations

We currently have three locations to serve you better:

Main office building

Main Office

214 Pacific Ave
Durham, North Carolina 27704

Learn More
Roxboro building

Roxboro Branch

4473 Durham Road
Roxboro, North Carolina 27574

Learn More
Fayetteville building

Purolator Branch

3190 Natal Street
Fayetteville, North Carolina 28306

Learn More

Mission Statement

To deliver the highest level of personal financial services to our members in a unique, friendly, and superior manner; to meet the financial needs of the underserved in our communities; to encourage thrift, savings, and the prudent use of credit; to provide sound financial management in order to maintain earnings for our continued growth; and to provide our employees with a challenging, inspiring, and rewarding career.

Discover What Being Member Owned...
Value Driven is All About!

Vision Financial Federal Credit Union
214 Pacific Avenue
PO Box 15818
Durham, North Carolina 27704
Phone: (919) 477-0696
        or (800) 235-8455
Fax: (919) 471-8211
Routing Number: 253175517

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